Articles from Chronicle Vitae
Resources for PhD Students
On Writing
"The Impossibility of Revising Your Own Work" (Why everyone needs editors.)
“Step Away From the Delete Button” (It all starts with a draft.)
“The Hardest Part of Writing Is Restarting” (You will restart at some point. It’s true.)
“On the Value of Dissertation Writing Groups” (You don’t have to write alone.)
On Working with Your Advisor
“Your Graduate Adviser May Have Imposter Syndrome, Too” (We all have a crisis of confidence from time to time.)
"How to Work Well With Graduate Students" (These tips can help you as a student too.)
On Career Decisions
"How a Postdoctoral Fellowship Can Be a Bridge to a Nonacademic Career, Too" (A post-doc can take you in many directions.)
"Start Career Advising for PhD Students in Year 1" (There’s more than one job for you out there.)
On Being a PhD Student
“So Your PhD Program Is Not Going ‘As Planned’?” (Yes, there will be bumps. Of all shapes and sizes.)
“The PhD Identity Crisis” (You’re more than just a PhD student.)
“Graduate School Should Be Challenging, Not Traumatic” (Your mental health matters.)
Other Resources
Purdue University APA Style Guidelines (7th edition) (In case you need help with APA formatting.)
"12 Lessons on Writing from Steven King" (These tips are helpful, no matter what kind of writing you do.)